Super themes is amazing wordpress theme check this link .
Deeply customize the elements of your site's layout with your mouse only: fonts, sizes, colors, margins, backgrounds... Experience unprecedented fun and power with the LTE editor! Say goodbye to massive CSS coding, and preview LIVE your layout changes. Web design turning into a point and click affair. Don't miss it!
For all the CSS jedis out there who love to have total control, an "advanced mode" feature is provided too: a live CSS editor lets you instantly preview and add your custom CSS code.
Looking for some inspiration? Dive into the Cluster-One Preset community, a simple and effective moderated virtual place which collects some useful Presets - great starting points for a great Portfolio theme design. Feeling social today? Share your preset in the community, if you want, with another click.
Want to make a post that has double the size of the others? Need to assing particular styles to a specific post? With superthemes Post Specific Options you can tweak the appearance of your sinlge posts to make them unique: everything is ultra customizable
Had fun with the LTE simulator? Now try the full demo!

The Live Theme Editor Interface: Everyone's invited!
No CSS knowledge required - you only need your mouse and some fantasy to build a beautiful WordPress site!Deeply customize the elements of your site's layout with your mouse only: fonts, sizes, colors, margins, backgrounds... Experience unprecedented fun and power with the LTE editor! Say goodbye to massive CSS coding, and preview LIVE your layout changes. Web design turning into a point and click affair. Don't miss it!
LTE - Advanced Mode: a great tool for adding your custom CSS code - with an instant preview feature!
For coders who love to have total control, an "advanced mode" feature is provided too: a live code editor lets you instantly preview and add your custom CSS code.For all the CSS jedis out there who love to have total control, an "advanced mode" feature is provided too: a live CSS editor lets you instantly preview and add your custom CSS code.

play with presets, get more for free!
While customizing your theme, enjoy the freedom of saving snapshots of your work and being able to go back if you need, with one click. All theme options will be stored and associated to a name of your choice.Looking for some inspiration? Dive into the Cluster-One Preset community, a simple and effective moderated virtual place which collects some useful Presets - great starting points for a great Portfolio theme design. Feeling social today? Share your preset in the community, if you want, with another click.
Post Specific Options
Not all posts are created equal: sometimes you may want draw the reader's attention on some specific posts, or use some special color to highlight some important information.Want to make a post that has double the size of the others? Need to assing particular styles to a specific post? With superthemes Post Specific Options you can tweak the appearance of your sinlge posts to make them unique: everything is ultra customizable

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